Message from the Mayor- April 2

Dear Coquitlam residents,
This is a challenging time for businesses. Many are struggling, and some fear they won’t survive the COVID-19 crisis. We’ve always valued our businesses in Coquitlam, and today I’m calling on our community to do what we can to support them.At a time when so many are facing hardship, you may wonder why we are worried about private enterprise. In short, it’s because our community simply can’t thrive without it. 
Our businesses provide jobs and income that many Coquitlam households rely on, along with goods services we use every day. The taxes and fees they pay are a critical source of revenue for the City, protecting homeowners from the full brunt of the cost of services. And their investment in Coquitlam makes it a better place for all of us. When all this is over – and it will be over at some point – our businesses will be integral to the recovery of our community.So what can you do? Take a cue from the Tri-Cities Chamber of Commerce. 
Their #SupportLocal campaign encourages:
  • Buying gift certificates from your favourite shops, restaurants or businesses;
  • Keeping your subscriptions to local businesses active;
  • Continuing to buy and order from local businesses, arranging for pickup or delivery if necessary; and
  • Asking your favourite businesses what you can do to help.
To that list I would add: Help spread the word – by mouth or social media – to encourage others to #SupportLocal.We have more than 7,000 businesses in Coquitlam, ranging from home-based operations to large enterprises with hundreds of employees. Let’s work together to help all of them get to the other side of this crisis.
I will wrap up with a big shout-out to everyone who continues to put their health at risk to provide essential services, whether you are working in health care or First Response, ringing up our purchases, providing childcare services, completing critical infrastructure projects, delivering meals or doing other crucial work. All of this would be so much more difficult without your service.
To everyone else: Please stay safe, and remember to wash your hands and keep your distance. We will get through this!
Richard Stewart