The Importance of Using A REALTOR® When Buying Pre-Construction

Home buyers might assume there's no need to work with a REALTOR® when purchasing a pre-construction build. After all, the builders and developers have on-site representatives promising to take care of all the paperwork, right? Not so fast. There are a number of advantages to working with someone who has your best interests in mind. Here's what you need to know if you're thinking about buying a brand-new build.

A REALTOR® makes the sales process less overwhelming

A REALTOR® can negotiate on your behalf

You'll get the low-down on the up-sells

You won't fall for sales pitches that seem too good to be true

A REALTOR® will provide guidance and support throughout the transaction

Bottom line? The builder's rep has the builder's goals in mind, while your own agent is a valuable resource with just one person to satisfy: You.
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